Saturday, August 31, 2013

What's Going on the Wheel - Spinning

My wife came up with this cleaver idea that we should both spin and knit the same shawl pattern.  Sorta of a study group, but without the study.  My wife can knit me into a corner, and then some.  I on the other hand...can spin pretty neatly (we'll leave it like that).  So, she will assist me in the knitting, and I will assist her in the spinning, although she could handle that on here own.
We both got our fiber from Susie.  She's the local trainer, trader, and everything spun.

My fiber is a blend of;
30% Merino
22% Camel
16% Yak
4% Buffalo
28% Silk

Hopefully the photo will do the color some justice, I couldn't even describe the color if asked, other than brown with a greenish tint, and that sounds just plain ugly.  So in-vision something beautiful, with the photo in mind, and we'll all be good.

I will be pulling out the "Big Gun"---Matchless Wheel for this spinning project.  Although this will contain my spinning at home, it will be a more consistent spin...because I won't be talking to people at demos, or the Thursday night spin group, all my focus will be on the task at hand.  This weekend, my wife will help me decide the weight of yarn and ply, and then the both of us will spin our samples.

Vaya Con Dios, Rich

Friday, August 30, 2013

Hunting and Gathering - "How we Shop"

Anybody that knows me will tell you that I'm not extremely health conscience, and  I eat because I like food!  Over the past 6+ weeks I have been doing numerous chores around the house one of them being shopping and cooking every night.  Yesterday when I went to the grocery

store I forgot my list, and low and behold it occurred to me that there are only two things to buy--
Meat (hunting)
Produce (gathering).
OK...maybe there are more items we need, I love Chips, ice cream, bagels, but when I look at how the stores are even laid out, Meat is on one end of the store and Produce is on the other end, with a careful trail leading through the Valley of Death, namely supplemental food, seasonings, and junk...full isles of just soft drinks...
I will be re-doing my shopping list template (Yes I have a shopping list template) to highlight Meat and Produce.  The ancillary items such as milk, butter, cottage cheese, and specific recipe items will only be noted as needed, I could also break this down into a food list and a "whatever" list.  This should help in setting a balanced diet that is both budget and health wise.

Vaya Con Dios, Rich

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The "White Album" - Spinning

I finished the white yarn yesterday for all of those who are following this project.  These are some pictures of it drying.  I have to be honest and say, this is not my best work.  The consistency of the twist, along with the singles is somewhat disappointing.  Even though it is not full dry, I did expect to see some blossoming this morning.

Later this afternoon and tomorrow I will count length, wraps, and label.  I will be sure that the labeling indicates that ply one is 50/50, and that ply two is 75/25.
Dependent on it's "halo" I may use it solely for knitting.
I believe if I would have followed the post earlier today I would have have been much happier with this product.

Vaya Con Dios, Rich

Spinning Swatches (sample)

Let's all admit it...we don't do it, or at least I don't...(DO WHAT!) a spinning sample.
Considering the years I have spun, I should know better, but nooooooo I find a fiber in my stash, sorta think about what it's going to be used for (sorta) and away I go.  I never plan twist or WPI until after I've started, I let the fiber dictate to me what it's going to be....well buster, there's a new spinner in town, and things are going to change.

From now on....

  1. Decide up front usage of yarn
  2. Know what WPI and action I want
  3. Spin a sample single
  4. Ply a sample final (saving a single to use for later comparison)
  5. Finish the final yarn (saving a sample to use for later comparison)
This won't be easy, I'll call my sponsor for support, and spin on a day to day basis.

Vaya Con Dios, Rich

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It's Plying Time Again - Spinning

In earlier posts I have talked about this project.  This is my "White Album",  I have one bobbin of a BFL/Silk blend (50/50) and another of Angora/Merino blend (75/25).

These are the mistakes I made;
I did not spin AND ply a full sample prior to beginning (this will be a full other post).
I did not compare the thickness of the single on the bobbin...YES, that is really stupid.

The top bobbin is the BFL/Silk.  I spun more of this because I have more than the Angora, and the remaining singles can be put into the fiber bag and be saved as an example for it's next project.
All of my thickness checks were done up-stream of the orifice (not at the bobbin).  As a result I noticed (just now) that the BFL/Silk blossomed on the bobbin where as the Angora did not.  I may be making to much of a big deal of this, but I consider myself a little better spinner than to miss this detail.

How  I PLY!---When I first started spinning, I always checked my twist up-stream of the orifice, this is bad.  As a result, all of my finished yarn was under-spun resulting in a technically unstable material, not suitable for long time wear.  Currently I check at the bobbin, look for a little over twist, and apply that to the singles in my fingers.  I also like to get as far back from the orifice as possible to even the twist as it  approaches the orifice.  I consider the yarn well plied if after taking it off the Niddy Noddy it rotates one full turn hanging from my hand (unfinished).

I'll keep you updated on the final product and share some close-ups.

Vaya Con Dios

Monday, August 26, 2013

Agility Class with Wine

Today is my first Agility Instruction Class.  I will be teaching.
The format will be an inexpensive private instruction for the handler that is just starting out, this may include dogs that have not completed any obedience work (in some ways this may be beneficial).  This is only a 6 week format with classes twice a week.
This Agility Class will cover all the basics of maneuvering your dog through the jumps and put you in a position to join a more advanced class later that someone else may teach.

Wine or beer will be served at all classes.  The wine and beer is for the handler, not the dog.  Only positive reinforcement will be used, this class is designed for the human/dog team to have fun in learning the basics of handling that is required on an Agility course.
I hope to see you all there!
Vaya Con Dios, Rich

Sunday, August 25, 2013

My Arsenal !--Spinning

We all know that I Spin and I thought it would be a good time to share my Arsenal and defend my reasons for this obsession--
These are the first three wheels that I came across when I entered the studio.
The Ashford Kiwi on the far left (next to Silver Whippet) was my first wheel.  It is currently fitted with the Jumbo Bobbin and Flyer.  I use it primarily for Plying.  A lot of people refer to this wheel as a "Student Wheel".  This is the subject of another post, but this wheel  should not be considered a toy.
The Schacht Matchless is in the center.  My wheel was manufactured in 1995 and is my favorite machine, operates like a workhorse.  I always run it in double drive.  The wheel is heavy and acts more like a flywheel than a drive wheel for the flyer.  Since I bought it second hand it came to me as a single treadle, over the years I have come to prefer single treadles since I sit a little off angle to the draw, and get as much distance between my draft and the orifice.  And speaking of orifice, the only negative on this machine is that it has the smallest orifice opening of all my wheels.  I have upgraded the tension rod to the newest available and will make additional modifications as they are made available by Schacht.
The Ashford Joy on the the far right.  I bought this machine strictly for travel and demos.  It folds up (quickly), and is small and lightweight.  I will agree with some people that it may be considered too small. Like my instructor once told me, if she could have only one wheel it would be a "Matchless".
I also have a Great Wheel that is in running order, and an Indian book charka.  both of which operate fine, but are more conversation starters than production machines.

 In addition to the wheels, I'll always carry a few spindles.  These are used when I'm finishing up a skein and may need to pick up a few yards, along with demonstration purposes.  I'll carry a bottom and a top whorl spindle just to assist in explanation to people the difference in spinning equipment within different geo-cultures, and the CD spindle so the novice can have a Whorl of it too.

Vaya Con Dios, Rich

Friday, August 23, 2013

What will happen if you watch it?
Now that should be enough to arouse !
I heard today on NPR that they (aljazeera) are not expecting to profit from this adventure...That's scary. What other reason to invest millions of dollars other than to profit (financially).
I stay away from Hot Buttons and Political Topics because I think we all get a little tired of them.
BUT...I could ramble on about this for hours, and on both sides. Ten years ago the term "America Aljazeera" would be considered an oxymoron, but today there seems to be just enough tolerance to let them in the living room. But then where will they go.

Where did I run today today ?

Yes I run.  This graph is from today's run in Arroyo Verde Canyon. These trails are used by the Ventura Cross Country team. You can see on the graph my pace along with the elevation gain and loss. They (of course) align. Elevation gain...I run slower. Down hill or flat...I run faster.
BUT now how did I get this information? We all know and at times are afraid to admit it, but we have tracking software in our pockets (running shorts). So hats off to the nerds! down with conspiracy theory.  Let's take advantage of of those little cigarette size boxes (what's a cigarette?).  

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Where Were You ?

While running today I thought about some critical times/people in our history.  Not meaning to age you...but...and if you don't know these, UG.
Where were you-
And who were you kissing when the first Man landed on the Moon?
When Buddy Holly's plane crashed?
During the seven day war?
When JFK was shot?
During the Chicago Republican Convention that included the "Chicago Seven"?
and for bonus points identify---Angela Davis and Jerry Reuben
Where were you-
During the Bay of Pigs?
When the American Embassy in Vietnam was evacuated?
When the 911 attack occurred on America?
When Oklahoma was bombed by an American?
When Anwar Sadat was assassinated?
And Who or What---- 
Noriega ?
Ho Chi Min Trail ?
Sally Ride ?
Jim Henson ?
And last but not least.....
Who was the first female singer for Jefferson Airplane (before Grace)?

Vaya Con Dios----Rich

To Re-Purpose

One of the newer words in the environmental protection campaign is "re-purpose".  The meaning is obvious and the phrasing correct..."to take what has been, and make it something else" sw.  As a viable future employee at some lucky company I am seeking to "re-purpose" numerous skills into a package that is good for the employer/employee.
But what should I add to the tool box (if anything)?  I know what I can and can't do, but should I add something I can't do?  i.e. learn some more difficult programs to engineer with, or learn a second language?
Today I will be stepping out a little into territories that will fill my tool box with more than is in it now.  And even if those tools are never used, the process will keep my mind sharp and prepared for the future!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What's On the Spinning Wheel

Last Week I had made a commitment to spin some soft white fiber and Here it Is!  This is an Angora Blend, meaning it has just enough Merino to hold it together and give it stability (please note the puff in the wind).  This is the softest fiber I have ever spun.  It takes-up surprisingly fast, so it's taking me a little longer than normal.  Because it doesn't have much wool in it, I need to be sure that the fiber is wrapped enough to be stable without being thick and ropy.
Initially I was going to ply it to itself, but I want enough end product to make a nice large Shawl.  I've decided to use the BFL/Silk blend as the other half of the plied yarn...not something I do on a regular basis (mixing blends) but I believe this is the best choice for these fibers.  This will give the yarn strength, sheen, allow for a heavier drape when worn, but still maintain the softness.
I have over a pound of the BFL/Silk blend so I will be in a good position to not loose any of the angora in waste.  It should be noted that the Angora Blend is like having a very soft animal (rabbit) just washed, sitting on my lap shedding away.

Vaya Con Dios, Rich

Monday, August 19, 2013

A Revelation !

The Book of Revelations--
I'll be honest, this book of the Bible has never been my favorite.
I of course have read it multiple times (because it says I'll be blessed if I do) but I really don't understand it...
I'm about half way through this time and I've come to the realization that it's confusing because it's a dream.
A lot of theologians like to try and interpret multiple parts of John's dream, and these interpretations can lead to divisions within a church, or at the least a lot of discussion that may lead to arguments that aren't productive.  
I believe that if I read it with an open mind and not worry about the strange content I may get more from it, or to put it another way, IF I read it like a dream, and only apply the areas that are obvious (to me at the time of reading) it will be the best for me and I will gain the most from this book.
I had to go through a similar understanding with the The Book of Psalms.  Once I approached it like one who was looking over the shoulder of the Psalmist it was so much clearer, and I could relate to the Psalmist on his praise or angry based on what God was doing in his life at any given time.   
All of the Bible is Spirit filled.  The books of the Bible were written at different times by many different people. I find that I always need to do some background work on the history of these books prior to and/or during the reading to help me understand what is going on historically during the times these books were written.

Vaya Con Dios---Rich

Sunday, August 18, 2013


I just finished this Beret, and I need to finalize the size, but I'm not sure how to do that.
Someone needs to take a circumference measurement of their head and send it to me, because if they don't, I'm going to have myself a new Beret !!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Day Off

I'm taking the day off.  It's been 5 days that I have slaved over the cooking, cleaning, shopping, running, playing with the dogs and other items that I do because I'm currently on "sabbatical", so I thought I needed a day off to rest my feet and cool the jets.  I've started by picking some of our tomatoes we've been growing.  The wifey has been laboring over the fact that I have not been tieing them up properly...but Heh! I'm busy.

We also planted the cotton we have had in pots for awhile, and hopefully it will stay alive, grow and we can get enough cotton in order to use for spinning.

And Speaking of Spinning!!!
This Thursday I started on the White stuff I have been talking about.  I did go back and forth a lot on choosing between the Merino/Silk blend, or the BFL/Angora.  The Angora blend is about 75% angora, and it's a blend that I have not spun yet.  OH Yeah, I chose the The angora blend.  It spins fast and I need to focus more so I don't over spin it.  It's wonderful.......And I look forward to the finished product.  I'm thinking at this time that I may ply it with the Silk blend...but more on that later.

Tomorrow we, wifey and I, will be donating platelets down at the local blood bank so I may not be on my best game.
If you currently don't donate please do,

Vaya Con Dios...Rich

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Results of Augratin and Bacon Dinner

I'll make this  quick... It was delicious.
The sauce was;
sauteed  onions, peppers, and garlic
I added one big can of creamy mushroom soup
1-1/2 packages of shredded cheese (I didn't have a full two)
2 dollops mayonnaise (with olive oil--you buy it that way)
1 stick of real butter.
I layered it three times--potatoes (about 5 before slicing), sauce,  fried bacon (not to crisp).
And put some strips on top for looks.
Baked at 350 for 35 minutes and then another 25 minutes at 425.
Men---don't forget to grease the 9 x 13 glass dish, or let it sit when finished.
The smell is outrageous!!!!!

A Place for Plants

The Plumerias needed a resting spot and over the last few days I have finished up two tier sections for them to sit.

I made them from standard framing 2 x 4 that were straighter than the norm.  I didn't use screws or bolts so in time as they dry they will pull apart a little.  The design is such that 8" long wood screws could be added and that will hold them for ever.  I should add that the design fully utilized (8) sticks of 8 foot long material.
I burnt the wood with a torch to add some finish to them.  I also added two coats of a clear decking finish.  It did color them up a little, but they aren't shiny.  All in all I think they came out real nice.
Later this week the Wify will go ahead and adjust the location along with putting on the plants.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

? ? What to Spin Next ? ?

I currently have nothing on the spinning wheel.  I finished the Silk/Merino fiber that I did for demo at the county fair, and now I'm contemplating my next fiber project.
My office looks like an explosion of fiber...everywhere I look there is some fiber that has been pulled out and judged to spin next for my enjoyment and next project.  I have been focused on a lot of silk blends recently from Red Fish Dye Works 
I even have some plain white of the 50/50 blend to use for a scarf similar to the one shown on this page.  But I need some change, yet a purpose for the yarn that I will be spinning (sorta like my life).  My Wife, Ginny, has a shawl that could use some plain white angora mix, I have the fiber, so if I was a good husband I would go and prepare this for her.  It just seems really weird to clean, cook, AND spin for the wify, so I might not just on principle's sake.  But I think it will be white and will give a good hand when woven properly.
Most of my done yarn is colored, and I have a ton of un-spun fiber that is white.  SO!  White it is, now I can choose, pack up the stash, and put this stressful decision behind me.
Vaya Con Dios---Rich

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Dinner Time along with announcements

So here it is at the end of the day again...sorta my favorite time.
The time that I have been planning all day.  Dinner Time.
I like Au-Gratin potatoes.
I like Bacon.
I like Cream of Mushroom Soup.
I have never done this before, but I'm going to mix the soup with the cheese, add some onion and pepper...scratch the pepper.  Spread it around the potatoes, add the bacon strips on top....
Think of Lasagna with Potatoes and Bacon...
I'll be sure to let everyone know if this works and if it's good enough to eat.  Time to start!!
Now everyone should know that I've started running in my off time again, I haven't posted anything because my times and dogs have been a little slow, but starting later in the week I'll keep you all posted on a separate feed how I'm doing.

Vaya Con Dios ------ Rich

Monday, August 12, 2013

Back on LINE and After the Fair

Thank Goodness the folks at A+ Computer (located in Oxnard on Rose) did a most excellent job cleaning my computer and re-loading all that tech stuff so I can return to all my readers out there.
The Fair is now over.  And although I've already spewed multiple posts about my entries here's one last entry for all of those I said good-by to on Saturday.
There were three of the nicest kids I ever met that spent time with me.  I taught them to operate a drop spindle, and they taught me a little about what happens when you show animals at the fair.  They also sold me some jam they made and soap that their grandmother made.  I will think about them and be happy that there are still kids like this in the world.  No slang, hoodies, no games that distracted...they were like little adults without the stress. 
I also meant some other nice folk that were walking by the Guild booth, and I wanted to make sure that they knew I remembered them.  A lot of thingys happen at the fair, and I hope that our exhibit and demo has inspired you, I have added our link as a reminder
Thanks Again for the Encouragement....
Don't forget that everyone needs a "Paul", "Barnabas", and a "Timothy".

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ventura County Fair

The Ventura County Fair has been in progress for about 1 week.  I LOVE THE FAIR.  The Ventura fair is still a place where people bring Animals, Vegetables and Home Arts that they have worked on to be judged and considered the best in the area.  Me, I bring the home arts.
Besides the fair entries shown below I also demonstrate.
Because of my extra time, this year I spent two days in the Guild booth (Hand-weavers and Spinners Guild) and one day demonstrating knitting in the home arts building.
I also was able to spend time with the "Sheep to Shawl" demo.
This is where you start with a Sheep, and turn it into a shawl in one day.  We actually start with the fleece from the sheep and then we Spin it, Ply it, and Weave the shawl.
I'm thinking how weird this must sound to anyone not familiar with where cloth comes from....

This year I entered 5 items;
Hand-spun hand-knit, hat - second place
Hand-spun hand-woven, scarf - first place (see the scarf on this page)
Hand-spun banana fiver-first place, and two additional skeins (wool) - third place
I took first in the spinning competition along with high in trial.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Everything is Colored

It's been almost a month, and the initial joy has left... a little.  I continually try and compare my life today to what it was, and the stress of the job to the stress of no pay check.  I still think I'm in a better place, I just need to convince myself more.
Today I applied for nearly every job on the CalJob board :-) that includes, a Park Aide (administration at a state park facility), a tutor for K through 12th, a customer service rep, and some other funny ones that I just couldn't resist signing up for.  Also on this front I edited my resume to more of a service position.
I ran this morning and did the 4 mile loop in my best time ever.  I'm still not running at the pace I would like, but...I have no pace to go but faster (get it? that was funny)
On the housekeeping front; we're having vegetable soup this evening with beans and lentils, the bed is made, and the laundry is almost finished.
Everything is Colored--- My Laundry sorting is getting much better! originally I wanted to put most everything in the Colored bin, but she showed me how there are many dark (DARK) Colors that would mess up the kit and ka boodle.  The expression she used was (you got it) "Everything is Colored".  This has been a lifesaver to my laundry exploits, and speaking of exploits---I now have taken it upon myself to file her clothing after it's folded,  all you mothers please don't pooh-pooh me and laugh.
And did you hear about the fair?