Saturday, November 9, 2013

The White Project...Continued

This is step TWO.  Step one was posted awhile back, the fiber spun was a BFL, silk, Angora, merino blend.  This is pattern, no color, just white...over and over and over.
When I get done with this scarf, I intend to dye it in multiple patterns and colors.
At that point the "White" project will be no longer.

See you then, Rich

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Spun Dog Fiber

It's Finished!
If you read my earlier post "Dog Fiber Project), you saw that at that time I had just finished blending some dog fiber with some nice wool for stability, the blend was about 75% dog fiber.
This was not easy.  The staple length of the dog hair varied from 3/8" to 1-1/4".  Although the wool helped in maintaining a consistent spin and size, there were times when the fiber would fall apart on me and other times when it would draft out nicely.  The fiber felt as though it was ripping in my fingers while drafting, although I know it wasn't because the final product is very nice.

This was a commissioned project.  And as such I did my best to give my client (friend) what she wanted.  She wanted the yarn to be a little heavier than what it would normally spin as.  Small Slubs developed throughout the spin, these are a result of the very short dag fibers.  I let them take their course...I thought of them as little parts of the dog.

In the middle of this project I was asked by my spinning mentor if I would take on a project like this answer was "most definitely".  It was a great study and exercise in being able to spin anything and provide a product that was asked for as opposed to just letting the fiber determine it's own size.

It's still a little wet so I haven't measured the w.p.i. yet, nor it's total yardage (besides this skein that filled my bobbin there is also a smaller skein).
By this time on Thursday it'll be counted, tagged, and on it's way up north.

Vaya Con Dios, Rich