Sunday, July 13, 2008

Get Involved...Buy a Tee-Shirt???

At all turning points in my life I find myself cynical to what I actually support, and today is no different.

The Job...

While looking at details on what field trips (if any) I should go on for Lifewater my eyes were drawn to a Sanitation (latrines) trip in Laos. I hate Laos. I want to go to Africa... NOT Laos, but God pulled the same stunt on Jonah and we all know what happened to him...

So I talk to the wife, and she reminds me we have no money. So I look at the trip detail some more... it's a three week trip. Last month I was gone from work (my normal work) for 3 days and I received over 120 e-mails.

Well, I wonder if God would have gone easier on Jonah if he had a day to day job?? Or if Moses would have used that e-mail excuse in addition to the ones about him not being a good speaker if God would have left him alone??

The Rub...

What if I don't go? Will the information regarding correct latrine construction still be passed along? of course it will.
So what am I being asked to do here? Test my faith? Dominate the world with how I believe?

The Reality...

I have no clue.
I sit here eating cold pizza with my dog Silver and can only assume that in Laos they aren't doing the same.
I know that by going the follow things will occur-

  • I'll be showing God that I have faith in where he leads me.
  • I'll be helping to empower people to do for themselves.
  • I'll be sharing with others my love for Christ in a "Closed Country".
  • I'll save lives by reducing the amount of bacteria that will contaminant their food.
  • I'll be increasing the level of my training, so that I can contribute more later.

The Boss...

So what do I tell "The Boss"? He's a Christian man so he will be able to understand the desire, but will he understand the need? and more importantly will he understand being gone for 4 weeks while we are trying to make money.

Oh? the Title of this post???

While searching around for information regarding this trip I ran across the website for Blood Water Missions. A notable organization, that does similar work as Lifewater. On the website for Blood Water Missions was the statement

Get Involved.. Buy a Tee-Shirt

I wish that was all God expected from me.........

In his