Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Party to Dye for

This past weekend we had a Dye Party at our house.
The main purpose of this party was to Dye fiber, yarn, or any similar thing into a color that it wasn't.
We had three basic Dye stations set up for people to use, Crock-Pot, Immersion, and Space Dye.
The Crock pots were for those who wanted a somewhat variegated fiber, in a material that required heat (mostly wool).
The Immersion were big pots and a burner for those who were looking for one solid color and for materials that required heat.
The Space dye area was for people who wanted to be very creative with the location of the dye, it was also for materials that did not require heat (although some heat was good).
Most of the people that came had a better understanding of Dying than I did and I only provided a location and and set-up along with some materials if needed.
We all had a blast, and the results were wonderful.  As one lady put-it as someone else was leaving
"it looks like you have a Clown in a Blender".

Vaya Con Dios, Rich

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