Monday, August 12, 2013

Back on LINE and After the Fair

Thank Goodness the folks at A+ Computer (located in Oxnard on Rose) did a most excellent job cleaning my computer and re-loading all that tech stuff so I can return to all my readers out there.
The Fair is now over.  And although I've already spewed multiple posts about my entries here's one last entry for all of those I said good-by to on Saturday.
There were three of the nicest kids I ever met that spent time with me.  I taught them to operate a drop spindle, and they taught me a little about what happens when you show animals at the fair.  They also sold me some jam they made and soap that their grandmother made.  I will think about them and be happy that there are still kids like this in the world.  No slang, hoodies, no games that distracted...they were like little adults without the stress. 
I also meant some other nice folk that were walking by the Guild booth, and I wanted to make sure that they knew I remembered them.  A lot of thingys happen at the fair, and I hope that our exhibit and demo has inspired you, I have added our link as a reminder
Thanks Again for the Encouragement....
Don't forget that everyone needs a "Paul", "Barnabas", and a "Timothy".

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